Founder Breakthroughs

Stacking the Deck – how to improve your odds of luck in the startup game – with Vlad Mkrtumyan of Logic Inbound

August 11, 2023 Jeff Durso Season 1 Episode 30

We’ve talked a lot on the podcast about the importance of asymmetric upside – or luck – in helping to drive entrepreneurial success.

Today’s guest, Vlad Mkrtumyan, has made stacking the deck into a science in his ventures.

In his first company, he launched an app featuring Drake quotes that got 2,000 downloads in week 1 - then he rinsed and repeated the process into hundreds of thousands of downloads.

He then turned what he learned into a method he uses for evaluating and executing new opportunities to make sure he and his agency’s clients are constantly in the flow of asymmetric upside.

We had an amazing discussion going deep into a whole bunch of rabbitholes – peeling back the layers of the onion and finding new insights on what makes founders win – and getting dangerously close to solving puzzles around success in general.

I had a blast talking to Vlad – and I hope you enjoy our discussion as well.